Meningtis/Miningtis Definition|CLASSIFICATION|SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS|Aetiology

a. Headache and fever, back pain, stiff neck
b. Nausea, vomiting
c. Changes in the level of awareness
d. Rigidity nukal
e. Kernig positive sign
f. Babinski positive sign
g. Fotofobia
h. Seizures and improvement of ICT
i. Rash


Inflammation that occurs in the arachnoid layer, the pia mater and spinal cord caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi. (Donna, 1999)

Bacterial meningitis is the inflammation of the lining of arachnoid or pia mater. The infection spread through the subarachnoid CSF, spinal cord and usually also of the ventricles.
(Black & Matassarin, 1997)

CLASSIFICATION of meningitis

1. Bacterial meningitis (Meningitis sepsis)
Often occurs in winter, when respiratory tract infections. Type of organisms that commonly cause bacterial meningitis are streptococcus pneumonia and Neisseria meningitis.
Meningococal meningitis is tife of bacterial meningitis that often occurs in dense population areas, such as: dormitories, prisons.
Clients who have such conditions: otitis media, pneumonia, acute sinusitis or sell sickle anemia can increase the possibility of meningitis. Tengkorang bone fractures or spinal surgery can also cause meningitis. It also can occur in people with impaired immune systems, such as: AIDS and immunological deficiency either congenital or acquired.

2. Virus meningitis (aseptic meningitis)
Meningitis is an infection of the virus meningin; likely benign and can heal themselves. The virus itself is usually placed bereflikasi initial infection (eg nasopharynx system and gastrointestinal tract) and then spread through the central nervous kesistem vascular system.
This occurs in diseases caused by viruses such as: measles, mumps, herpes and herpes zoster simplek.
Simplek herpes viruses that interfere with cell metabolism rapidly sell necrosis. Other types of enzymes or interfere with neurotransmitter production that can cause cell dysfunction and neurologic disorders.

3. Meningitis Mushrooms
Cryptococcal meningitis is a fungal infection that affects the central nervous system on the client with AIDS.
Inflammatory response caused by a decline in the client's immune system, among others: can fever / no, headache, nausea, vomiting and decreased mental status.

Etiology can be classified according to the classification of meningitis:
1. Bacteria
a. Haemophilus influenza
b. Neisseria meningitis (meningococcal)
c. Diplococcus pneumonia (pneumococcal)
d. Streptococco, group A
e. Staphylococus aureus
f. Escherichia coli
g. Kliebsiela
h. Proteus
i. Pseudomonas
2. Virus
a. Brain abscess
b. Encephalitis
c. Lymphoma
d. Leukemia, or blood in the room subarachnoid
3. Mushrooms

Predisposing factors of bacterial meningitis:
1. Head trauma
2. Systemic infection
3. Infection post surgery
4. Meningeal infections
5. Anatomic disruption
6. Other systemic diseases